
El funcionario policial como garante de impedir delitos

Universität Regensburg

En el presente trabajo el autor plantea la responsabilidad por omisión del policía que no impide la comisión de delitos y concluye que equivale a la comisiva al hallar su fundamento en el correspondiente cometido del Estado en tanto «institución».

Police officers' criminal responsibility for the failure to prevent a crime

In the following paper the author raises the question related to the criminal responsibility of the policeman due to his omission preventing the commission of a crime. He concludes that the failing of the policeman in his duty by omission equals the commission of that crime on the basis of the duty of the State protecting its civilians being it an «institution».

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Michael Pawlik, «El funcionario policial como garante de impedir delitos. », InDret 1.08