
Possibilities and limits of environmental criminal protection
Reflections on the Erika and Prestige cases (or how an organized irresponsibility system carries on)

En muy poco tiempo de diferencia Francia y España vivieron los dos desastres de contaminación marítima más graves de su historia. Pese a los parecidos fácticos de ambos accidentes y a pesar que ambos países tienen una normativa ambiental armonizada, muy distintas han sido sus soluciones jurídicas. El análisis de los casos Prestige y Erika desde una perspectiva comparada permite a los autores reflexionar sobre las posibilidades y los límites de la protección penal del medio ambiente y mostrar la indignación contra un sistema legal global que establece una irresponsabilidad organizada para la contaminación marítima.

Possibilities and limits of environmental criminal protection

In a short time difference France and Spain experienced the two most serious maritime pollution disasters in their history. Despite the factual similarities of both accidents and although both countries have harmonized environmental regulations, the legal solutions in each case have been very different. Analysis of the Prestige and Erika cases from a comparative perspective allows the authors to reflect on the possibilities and limitations of the criminal protection of the environment and show the indignation against a global legal system that establishes an organized irresponsibility for sea polluters.

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Joan Baucells Lladós, Benoît Petit, «Possibilities and limits of environmental criminal protection. Reflections on the Erika and Prestige cases (or how an organized irresponsibility system carries on)», InDret 3.13