
Stalking: efectos en las víctimas, estrategias de afrontamiento y propuestas legislativas derivadas

Para el análisis empírico del fenómeno del stalking, que ha sido recientemente incriminado como delito en el Código Penal español, ha resultado habitual la realización de estudios tendentes a determinar la tasa de victimización en población en general y en muestras conformadas por el sector poblacional más victimizado por este fenómeno, los jóvenes adultos, entre los que se cuenta la población universitaria, tanto en el mundo anglosajón como en algunos países fundamentalmente de la Europa central y del norte. Tales estudios, sin embargo, no se han centrado generalmente en analizar los efectos que el padecimiento de estos procesos de acecho tiene en las víctimas y la forma en que éstas afrontan tales sucesos. Tanto para abundar en esta cuestión como para poner fin a la ausencia de análisis empírico acerca de este fenómeno en España tras su incriminación como delito, se ha conducido esta investigación con una muestra de 1.162 estudiantes universitarios. En este trabajo se exponen los resultados que esta investigación arrojó con la submuestra de 152 estudiantes que se identificaron como víctimas en el conjunto de la muestra, analizando la afectación psicológica que les produjo el padecimiento de este tipo de conductas, de un lado, y las estrategias emprendidas para poner fin a la situación, de otro, con especial referencia a la delación y la denuncia de los hechos como específicos mecanismos de afrontamiento.
With the purpose to empirically analyse stalking, which has recently been incriminated by the Spanish Criminal Code, it has been usual to carry out research to determine the victimization rate in general population and in samples conformed by young adults, including university students, as the most victimized group by this phenomenon. These studies have been carried out in English-speaking countries and also in Central and Northern Europe. Nevertheless, they have not been generally focused on victims’ effects and coping strategies. Both for going in depth and for putting an end to the absence of empirical studies on stalking in Spain after its criminalization, this research has been conducted with a sample of 1,162 college students. In this article, we present the results of a subsample consisting of the 152 students who identified themselves as victims from the global sample. The article analyzes, on the one hand, the psychological affectation, and on the other, the coping strategies used to deal with this situation, with special reference to disclosure and report of these facts as specific coping strategies.

With the purpose to empirically analyse stalking, which has recently been incriminated by the Spanish Criminal Code, it has been usual to carry out research to determine the victimization rate in general population and in samples conformed by young adults, including university students, as the most victimized group by this phenomenon. These studies have been carried out in English-speaking countries and also in Central and Northern Europe. Nevertheless, they have not been generally focused on victims’ effects and coping strategies. Both for going in depth and for putting an end to the absence of empirical studies on stalking in Spain after its criminalization, this research has been conducted with a sample of 1,162 college students. In this article, we present the results of a subsample consisting of the 152 students who identified themselves as victims from the global sample. The article analyzes, on the one hand, the psychological affectation, and on the other, the coping strategies used to deal with this situation, with special reference to disclosure and report of these facts as specific coping strategies.

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Carolina Villacampa Estiarte, Alejandra Pujols Pérez, «Stalking: efectos en las víctimas, estrategias de afrontamiento y propuestas legislativas derivadas. », InDret 2.17