Hacia un derecho contractual europeo
Recensión a Reiner SCHULZE (ed.), Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law, Sellier, Munich, 2008, 356 páginas
Este trabajo es -en sentido estricto- una recensión al libro de Reiner SCHULZE (ed.), Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law, Sellier, Munich, 2008, 356 páginas. El libro contiene las aportaciones al symposium «Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law» celebrado en la Universidad de Münster el pasado mes de diciembre.
Palabras Clave. Derecho contractual europeo - Symposium, derecho privado europeo, Marco Común de Referencia
Review of the book Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law
This paper is -strictly speaking- a review of the book Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law, Reiner SCHULZE (ed.), Sellier, Munich, 2008, 356 pages. The book contains the proceedings of the symposium “Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law” held at the University of Münster last December.
Keywords. Common Frame of Reference, European Contract Law - Symposium, European Private Law
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Ana Quiñones Escámez, «Hacia un derecho contractual europeo. Recensión a Reiner SCHULZE (ed.), Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law, Sellier, Munich, 2008, 356 páginas», InDret 3.08